Sunshine festival at the Whitchurch 'Arm'

How typically English is this - narrowboats, bunting and live music in the bright sunshine.

Sunshine festival at the Whitchurch 'Arm'

This is Whitchurch Canal Festival, held at the Whitchurch Arm of the Llangollen Canal.

It was great strolling along the towpath, chatting to narrowboat traders and browsing the craft stalls.

A special mention goes to the Little Narrowboat Kitchen, where I treated myself to a mozzarella, green pesto and roasted red pepper sandwich, using bread baked on board. Delicious!

This branch of the canal - which is generally referred to as 'The Arm’ - is owned by the Whitchurch Waterway Trust.

The Trust is responsible for its upkeep and development, and works consistently to maintain, improve and extend it towards the town.

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